I make every attempt to provide accurate and truthful information on this website. Even so, any advice provided is based on personal experience and judgement, and may not apply to your individual situation. As such, it is critical to always conduct your own research before making any decisions.
This site also makes use of affiliate links from time-to-time. Affiliate links provide me with a small commission if you make a purchase, without affecting the price that you pay in any way.
Despite the use of affiliate links, any recommendations that I make are based on my own personal experience and perceptions. Such recommendations will be as unbiased as is humanly possible.

About Me
I'm a wordsmith, a learner, a problem solver and a deft hand with technology. I've been running my online business for more than eight years now and have touched on many different fields along the way. I'm never one to shy away from a challenge. In fact, my ability to learn and adapt is my main strength.
My online experience includes website creation, affiliate marketing, Google AdSense, SEO and an insane amount of writing (often 10,000+ words a week!). I have a Bachelor's degree in Biology and Biochemistry, along with a Master's in Zoology - just for good measure.
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