This piece is a prelude. An introduction or perhaps a reintroduction to this blog.
While I built this site mostly to advertise my business, the plan was always to get the blog side of it running, sooner or later.
There are a few posts so far, well, there are two posts. That’s as far as I’ve made it.
Not too surprising, really. Writing is the bulk of what I do every week. Writing for other blogs and for private clients.
I’m even trying to write a couple of books – one my own fiction, one non-fiction for a client.
It’s no wonder that I find little time or energy to blog on here.
There was another stuck point too – no clear plan.
What shall I write about?
- Shall I take the direction of an old blog of mine, Not Broken Just Different, and focus on mental health?
- Shall I branch out to a new area of fascination – the differences in perception and how the brain works, including newly discovered areas for me around aphantasia, inner monologues, and senses in the brain?
- Shall I be practical instead? Talk about business tips, website design, content creation, SEO, and the like?
- Shall I share fiction?
- Shall I write about Nelson? About this town and all the excitement it offers? About the communities that I’ve found and exciting projects on the horizon?
- Shall I write about something different again?
The simple answer is yes.
Yes to all of the above and more besides.
This blog will be sporadic, of that I have no doubt, and vary wildly in the topics that I cover.
Why not, though?
There’s so much that fascinates me.
From a business perspective, narrowing the writing down to a specific theme makes sense. This I know.
But, I already write in that way for work This blog can be different. Self-expression.
Hopefully some of the posts, some of the time, are interesting to others. If not, well, I’ll write for me.