Casper Green

Writing, Editing, and Online Services

Casper Green

Writing, Editing, and Online Services

Website Development

Why You Need a Website

Websites are more important now than ever. 

They can be dynamic, allowing you to engage with readers and customers. Perhaps you use the site to host a regular blog, to talk about specials, or to make sales. 

Or, they can be static. A single location to direct people to, where they can learn more about your business. 

They're not just for businesses either. Many bloggers, writers, and hobbyists have their own sites too. These can be amazing places to share passions and connect with a broad audience. 

Websites Are Expected

These days, businesses seem out-of-date and old fashioned if they don't have a website. Facebook business pages don't cut it anymore, nor do other social media channels. 

They Help You Share Information

Websites allow visitors to learn all they need to in one place. You can simply direct them to the site, rather than answering endless questions. 

They Improve Visibility

Websites allow you to reach a wider audience than ever before, especially with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Often, visitors will find you, rather than you actively seeking them out. 

Do You Need a Website Developer?

So, websites are incredibly valuable. But, can't you just make one yourself?

Many people do. Drag and drop services like Squarespace and Wix have made the process easier than ever before. 

Easier. Not easy. 

Here are some reasons you might need a website developer. Or, at least, a helping hand.

  • The number of options is insane. Do you use a builder like Squarespace or Wix, or something more complex like WordPress? Which plan do you choose? Which theme do you choose? Do you need plugins? What's the best format? 
  • Some choices are difficult to reverse. For example, if you start with Squarespace and want to move to Wix or Wordpress, you'll probably need to create your entire site again. 
  • Services have unexpected limitations. You can't always do what you want with a given service. Like, Squarespace can't natively create tables and charges extra for eCommerce features. Sometimes you can't change the font as much as you'd expect or there are major formatting limits. 
  • Websites take a lot of time. Websites always take longer than you think. They're even more time-consuming when you're a beginner, as there is so much to learn along the way. 
  • There's backend work. This includes tasks like connecting your nameservers, setting up HTTPs, backing up content, inserting Google Analytics code, creating sitemaps, SEO, and more.
  • Easy services are often limited. Some services make things easier by limiting your options. That's fine if you're making a simple site, but becomes frustrating if you want something more complex or have very specific goals.
  • You don't know what you don't know. It's hard to learn when you don't know where your gaps are. As a result, you could easily miss crucial steps for getting your website visible to search engines or making sure it runs smoothly. 

What I Offer

I charge by the hour for website development, support, and tutoring. No job is too large or too small, and the exact tasks are customised based on your needs. 

Possible services include:

  • Full website development from start to finish. This can focus on structure alone or include the development of appropriate content.  
  • Assistance with specific tasks, like fixing errors, changing domain name, installing and troubleshooting plugins, SEO optimisation.
  • Advice on the different website providers you could use, how they differ, and what matches your needs the best. 
  • Updating the visual style or information on a website to reflect your current goals. 
  • Advice about related tools, like using Canva for digital marketing or the strengths and weaknesses of AI tools. 

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